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  • 2024-12-14 04:54:56



1. 柿子痣:柿子痣通常出现在手臂肘部,它代表着一个人十分勇气十足,具有强烈的领导能力和卓越的执行力。这种痣相常见在家或企业家手臂上。

2. 钟形痣:钟形痣通常出现在手臂骨头上,它代表着一个人非常聪明,善于理财和经商。这种痣相常见在从商的人和投资者的手臂上。

3. 叉状痣:叉状痣出现在手臂上的任意部位,代表着一个人情绪不太稳定,容易陷入负面情绪。同时,这种痣相也代表着一个人直觉非常敏锐,能够迅速感知危险和机会。

4. 圆形痣:圆形痣通常出现在手臂肌肉上,代表着一个人性格开朗、乐观大方、待人友善。这种痣相常见于演艺圈等需要表现力和人际交往能力的行业。






The old man said that having a mole on one's arm means that they have found the right person. At first, this sounded like superstition to me, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much truth there was in this saying.

Think about it. When you meet someone who is truly meant to be in your life, there is a certain chemistry that you share. It's like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly, and it just feels right. This chemistry is not something that can be explained or quantified, but it is definitely something that you can feel.

And that's where the mole comes in. The mole is like a physical manifestation of this chemistry. It's a sign that you have found someone who complements you, someone who balances you out, and someone who just gets you.

Of course, not everyone believes in this old saying. Some people think it's just a silly superstition. But I think that there's something to be said for the wisdom of our elders. They have lived longer than us, and they have experienced more of life's ups and downs. So maybe, just maybe, we should listen to what they have to say.

In the end, whether or not you have a mole on your arm doesn't really matter. What matters is that you find someone who makes you hy, someone who supports you, and someone who loves you for who you are. And maybe, just maybe, that person is already in your life, waiting for you to discover them. So keep your eyes open, and your heart too, and you never know what you might find.

